
Monday, July 1, 2013

The Fine Art of Juicing

If you have Netflix, you've probably come across the abundance of documentaries about the health food craze of juicing. If you're like me, having watched all six seasons of Dawson's Creek and with nothing better to do, you've probably given one or two a try. Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead was the first film I came across and it left me wanting more. How could you not be captivated by a guy who chooses to consume nothing but vegetable and fruit juices for 60 days, losing 100 pounds and gaining an entire life full of youthfulness in the process. Something that incredible is truly inspiring, enough so to make me go to Walmart and purchase a juicer for myself.

If curiosity has tickled your fancy, I highly recommend checking out this flick and maybe even dabbling in the art of juicing. The easiest way to dip your toe into the water is to visit your local Whole Foods and give it a go. When you're ready to make that initial juicer purchase, congratulations! Find the cheapest juicer you can get from Walmart and stock up on some greens while you're there. 

There are so many endless combinations of fruits and vegetables when it comes to juicing. It really comes down to this: juice whatever your little heart desires. Initially, I googled a bunch of juicing recipes and wrote them down and made sure to pick up the exact ingredients from the store. Doing that is completely fine, but it can also be a waste of time. For me, I found the ingredients listed in the recipes to be more of a guide rather than an outline when deciding what to pulverize. This is my advice, pick up a moderate amount of ingredients that are priced right and look fresh. You don't want to buy too much and end up throwing it all away (trust me, it's pretty painful tossing away your hard earned cash). I will be sure to periodically post pictures and lists of ingredients when I have the sudden impulse to grind up some veggies. 

Tonight for dinner, I decided to juice.

What I added to my delicious juice:
  • 3 carrots
  • 4 stalks of celery
  • 1 red pepper
  • 1 green apple
  • 1 jalapeƱo pepper
  • 1 large bunch of parsley

The end result is a beautiful multicolored concoction that your body will thank you for a million times over. Make sure to stir your juice periodically, as it will separate and settle. 

Make sure to stir

Bon Appetit

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