
Friday, July 5, 2013


You know those moments when you think you are having the worst day you could ever imagine and you start complaining and unloading on anyone and anything that will listen? Then you hear about someone that is actually having a bad day and you realize the things you are complaining about are completely trivial in the grand scheme of things. Yeah, well I had one of those days today.  I called my dad to complain about the usual rude guests I deal with in the service industry blah blah blah and then the words just slipped out of my mouth "it was the worst day EVER."  Silence followed that and my dad responded with "I guess you haven't heard".  Nothing good ever follows the statement "I guess you haven't heard".  The news that followed was truly heartbreaking and due to the event being so recent I won't go in to detail.  I will say that one of my good friends is going through one of the most difficult, heart wrenching times I could ever imagine.  How foolish and selfish of me to think that I had it bad because some people were rude to me when I was serving them.  We so often take for granted the little things in life that we always expect to be there, until one day they are gone and we are left with regret from not paying more attention or enjoying the moments we were given.  I guess I should just leave you with the notion that we are all so lucky in our own ways.  Whenever I think I have it bad there is someone out there that has it ten times worse.  The truth is I am so lucky to have everything and everyone that is in my life and I should treasure that every moment I can.

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