See this right here ^ that is going to be L and I in February. We just recently signed up to run the Disney Princess Half Marathon. Are we crazy? I think a little, yes. I speak for myself when I say that I am not a runner... Even though I played college athletics I have never been very gifted in the running department. Especially when I'm not distracted by chasing a ball down or something. In fact before this year I had not run more than 3 miles in my life...EVER. Thanks to a couple people challenging my abilities I was able to get the motivation (determination to prove them wrong) to run 8 miles on a couple of occasions. It honestly came out of nowhere. I would have never imagined in a million years that I could run that far. I realized for me it is definitely mind over matter. It was completely in my head that I couldn't run or be a runner. After getting past a certain point (3 miles for me) running gets a lot easier. Sometimes it is just a struggle for me to get past that 3 mile mark! Anyway, we will continue to post our progress as we train to run 13.1 miles. It will be a challenge for sure, but I think if we push each other we will be ok.
So here we are getting our run on at the gym. Every day counts!
Today I was hoping to get 5 miles done, but I only managed four due to a side ache of death! No but really it was super painful. If any one has any advice on how to avoid side aches I would really appreciate it. I've done some research, but I'm still trying to find something that works.
Anyway, here is a really horribly focused picture I took during my cool down of my workout. It wasn't as far as I wanted to go, but I'll take 4 miles over no miles ;)
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