
Monday, July 1, 2013

Getting to know us with 15 facts :)

  1. My favorite color is pink. Obsessed doesn't even begin to describe my love for the color
  2. I am horribly indecisive. It's my biggest flaw and it tends to get me in trouble
  3. I wish my life had it's own soundtrack
  4. I try to be as friendly as possible at work. I love the relationships I've come to form with my coworkers and think of many of them as surrogate family members
  5. Usually about once a month, I have a good cry. I won't feel upset all day and then bam it hits and I always feel better afterwards
  6. If I could, I would spend every penny I own on Tiffany's jewelry 
  7. I love creating new outfits for work. Creating new combinations and frequently adding new pieces of clothing to your professional wardrobe can be a great confidence boost
  8. I am perfectly content with life while at the beach, no matter how much of a mess everything else might be
  9. I love to aimlessly paint. There's something so refreshing about being able to do whatever you want with color on a blank slate
  10. I love to sleep. I value my sleep much more than my social life
  11. I'm a bit of a control freak; I have a hard time trusting others and holding them accountable for things I could do myself
  12. Going into college, I dreamed of being a virologist like Dustin Hoffman in Outbreak and discovering my own virus
  13. Education is very important to me. I don't think I could date someone that didn't value it as much as I do
  14. Commitment isn't a virtue I naturally possess. It's extremely hard for me to stick with something for a long period of time
  15. If I had to pick one meal to eat for the rest of my life, I would choose angel hair spaghetti with marinara sauce 

  1. I work in the service industry and it's a love hate relationship
  2. I love traveling. I traveled throughout Europe four times and explored China for two weeks. My next stop is Australia in February!
  3. I played NCAA DIV II college tennis
  4. I have an uncontrollable obsession with peanut butter
  5. I love to read...mostly fantasy books about dragons, vampires, witches, wizards, hobbits, and elves
  6. I feel the need to own ever kitchen appliance and gadget at Bed Bath and Beyond
  7. I love to cook for groups of people and plan parties
  8. I don't like when people touch my neck because I think they are going to crush my trachea. Don't grab my neck thinking it's really funny because it's not and I will hurt you...
  9. I am really into rustic decor. If I could turn my apartment into a barn with wine barrels, wild flowers, and wooden crates I'd be happy as a clam
  10. I suffer from "sweating the small stuff" I need a chill pill like 90% of the time
  11. I am so completely content with being single that I am a little concerned. Cat lady anyone?
  12. I eat enough food to feed a family of's embarrassing
  13. I don't really like bacon. I know that's some sort of a sin, but I'm just not feeling it
  14. I own a few too many bikinis...I don't even swim that much
  15. I have finally learned to enjoy the here and now without dwelling on the past or trying to foretell the future
- E

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